Ans: Scale modelling is the discipline - normally pursued as a hobby - of recreating miniature, physical representations of full-size objects, animals or people. The subject can be real or imaginary. Generally speaking the aim of the hobby is to try to make the model as life-like, accurate and convincing as possible.
Qu: Do many people in Western Australia pursue Scale Modelling as a hobby?
Ans: Yes! W.A. has a very strong scale modelling community with numerous clubs, hundreds of serious enthusiasts and many more who pursue the hobby on a casual basis. All - from beginner to expert - are most welcome to exhibit or compete at WASMEx.
Qu: Will there be much to see at WASMEx?
Ans: Yes! WASMEx always puts on a great show with well in excess of a thousand models on display as well as a competition hall with a few hundred of the best models anywhere. If you have any interest at all in scale modelling - or in history - or in vehicles and technology - or science fiction - or just skilled workmanship you will find plenty to view and enjoy at WASMEx.
Qu: Is WASMEx suitable for kids?
Ans: Yes. WASMEx is a family-friendly event and subject matter that the committee deems inappropriate for children will not be displayed. It's great to see kids at WASMEx and they always find something of interest. The Science Fiction table in particular is always a favorite! A Family Pass for two adults and two or more children costs just $25.00.
Qu: Will there be LEGO at WASMEx?
Ans: Probably not. Lego has it's own Western Australian show and is generally regarded as a hobby in its own right. We sometimes have Lego models on display and sometimes Lego clubs put in a guest stand but that's the exception not the rule.
Qu: Are the models painted?
Ans: Almost without exception the models at WASMEx are painted. The materials from which a scale model is built (often plastic) are very rarely the correct colour for the subject being represented. Painting and finishing the model is one of the most skillful and fascinating aspects of scale modelling.
Qu: Are all of the models kits?
Ans: No, but most of them are. There is a very wide variety of ways to make a model, from scratch building out of wood or plastic to assembling a plastic kit to building a card model or 3D printing. All of these methods, and more, are represented at WASMEx. Often skilled modellers 'mix and match' their methods, perhaps starting with a plastic kit but altering it significantly from what's in the box. Regardless of how a model is made, skill patience and dedication is required to get a good result.
Qu: I'm just a beginner and my models aren't that great, can I be involved in WASMEx in any way?
Ans: Yes - definitely. In that case you may wish to join one of the many clubs in Perth and contribute to their displays. Alternatively, just enter the competition; beginners are welcome.
Qu: Do I have to be a member of a club to enter the competition?
Ans: No - Anyone can enter the competition, there is no requirement to be a member of a club to do so.
Qu: My child has just started into Scale Modelling. Can he / she take part in any way?
Ans: WASMEx loves seeing kids getting involved. There are junior and intermediate categories in the competition and we would encourage any kid to enter their work to get it in front of the public. Its also a great opportunity to meet likeminded people and other children who enjoy the hobby. Don't worry if the work is not at 'expert' standard - we all started somewhere!
Qu: Can models made outside of Western Australia be displayed or entered into the competition?
Ans: Yes. Although this is the Western Australian Scale Modelling Exposition there's no requirement that the models be built in this state.